Happy National Pet Day!
Whoop, whoop! One of the best days of the year! Another reason to post a pic of your extremely cute pets. Here at Mariposa, we LOVE our pets. Some might say we are even obsessed with them (we are). Here's a little about our Mariposa pup crew!
Emily loves hanging out with her pup Bear. You can typically catch them trail running in the mountains and then going for Starbucks after! (She's a sucker for puppucinos as much as Emily is a sucker for vanilla lattes!)

Jose and Toby spend loads of time together! They can typically be found snoozing between school and work.

Roxana's puppy Sabrina is THE CUTEST! They typically spend their time taking cute pics, cuddling, and of course making some awesome graphics!

Miguel and Lula are a true dynamic duo. They rest while they can since starring in client’s commercials can be tiring!

As for me and Mozzarella, we spend most of our free time hiking, eating Goldfish, and napping!

For everyone at Mariposa, the switch to working from home also meant working with our pups. For Mozzarella, a pandemic puppy (born in the middle of the pandemic, knowing nothing else), having me home was continuing on her typical daily schedule since that's all she's ever known! For me, there was a benefit being home because instead of sitting and working for a couple hours straight, I've been able to break it up and get up to walk her. That has helped me and helped my productivity!
In fact, according to this article, breaks are 10/10 recommended. And what better way to do that than with a pup! At Mariposa. we are blessed to work with our cute pups, it definitely makes us work harder!
I guess you could say these guys are a part of Team Mariposa right along with us! Comment and tell us about your puppers!