Well, the time has come, back to school... We thought we'd give you some pointers for the best way to jump back into a new school year!
Introduce yo self first
Although this is intimidating, it's the quickest way to get around first day jitters. Seriously, try it! Don't know what to say? We got you there too. Here's some great icebreakers!
-"Hey! I'm *insert name,* I've got a question for ya... Can cereal be considered soup?"
-"Yo! I'm *insert name,* "How many pennies do you think would fit into this room?"
-"Well, well, well... fancy seeing you here, if I had a fish tank in my hand, would the fish be thirsty?"
See what we mean, get people thinking! You'll have the best icebreakers around and quickly become the one everyone wants to talk to. Try it!
2. Electrify your style
Express yourself! Do everything to let your personality shine through! Have a uniform you have to wear? That's okay! Hair accessories, shoes, backpacks, and notebooks will still do the trick! Let your personality shine through! Stand out a little, you won't regret it!
3. Treat yourself!
Is there a planner you've had your eye on? What about a backpack, a shirt, or notebook? We say treat yourself! Back to school can be hard enough, get something that'll add a little sunshine to your days!
And parents, we say treat yourselves too! Go get that coffee after the first early morning drop off! You deserve it!! Back to school is exciting and exhausting, but have some fun with it!